4 weeks have gone by since I gave birth. It's so hard to believe. Time just rushes by and my babies keep growing up. J will start 2nd grade in a month, I have been looking at cakes for E's 1st Bday party, and Iz is becoming so much more alert and I even think she is really smiling now. Isabel has had a rough bout of crankiness. It came out of no where and I am hoping it goes away just as quickly. Saturday night she screamed for 3 hours straight, nothing I could do would console her. Last night seemed just as bad, but today she seems much happier in general.
The antibiotic I was on said in huge letters on the bottle "DO NOT TAKE WHILE BREASTFEEDING". I called my Dr and they said it was fine, then called the pediatrician who confirmed their answer. However, after doing some research I found that it can cause "undesirable effects" in babies under 1 month of age. These effects include: nausea, diarrhea, gas pains, and general fussiness. Great! I found this out with one pill left. I finished the treatment last week, so I am hoping this phase is caused by the pills and not colic. Oh please God...let it be the Macrobid!
In my sleepless insanity I decided to take the girls out BY MYSELF on Saturday. I had some errands to run and B was at a rehearsal all morning. You would be proud to know that I had both girls and myself up, dressed and fed and out the door by 11AM. Why can't I do that on a Sunday??? Anyway, here's what it takes to get two babies out and about on a Saturday morn:
1. 2 rear-facing car seats
2. 1 double stroller
3. Last but not least. Lots of patience, low expectations, and a good sense of humor!!!
P.s. As I pulled out of the driveway I chickened out and called my mom to come and help, which she gladly did!
2 years ago
I can't believe that about the anitbiotics! Hopefully that is Iz's problem.
Yeeshk - I can't even get the 6 year old and the 1 year old out the door by 11. Of course, a lot of that is because the 6 year old fights about it.
But you TRIED it on your own. You deserve two stickers for that!
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