We had a pretty rough night last night. J is afraid of thunderstorms and last night was a doozie! At 1:50 AM I heard the first rumbles as I watched the light show outside our bedroom window. B was downstairs watching some crazy doc on TV. (He tends to live the hours of a vampire since his work hours are so late in the day). I knew that as long as the rumbles stayed soft J would sleep through it. He used to come crying into our room as soon as he saw the first lightening flash, but now (all grown up and nearly 8) he is content to prop open his door and hide under the covers.
At 2:15 AM the door from his room peaks open. It was a loud crash, but nothing major. E sleeps on. At 2:45, B comes in to bed (probably lost the satellite signal) after checking on J. He is still crouched under his blanket holding his ears (J, not B). We doze for a few minutes before... CRACK!!!! ...it sounds like the lightening is hitting our house. B goes again to check on J and, as he does, J comes running in to our room with his blanket. Worried about E, we wonder if we should check. I turn up the monitor...nothing. E sleeps on.
The storms go on for what seems like hours. Finally we all fall asleep at some point. And then the alarm goes off. What? It can't be time yet! It takes several attempts to wake J and B. Somehow he gets to school in the nick of time.
The day is going by in a fog. Today's forecast is for cloudy skies. No rain. Let's hope it stays that way. Maybe this is Mother Nature's way of preparing me for being up all night with a newborn again. E has been sleeping through the night (12 hours straight) for about a month now. I have become accustomed to having a decent night of sleep. What a rude awakening this summer will be!
2 years ago
N slept through the storm too, but Chewy lay shaking by my side in bed. Some guard dog. Babies must play so hard during the day that they literally "pass out" at night!
The Brown-Eyed Boy lasted for ten minutes into the storm - I knew he'd be in bed with us!! The man child slept through the whole thing!! Didn't believe me the next morning until I showed him the flooded flower bed in the backyard!!
Maybe E will be able to sleep through her younger sister's night calls!!
It's apparently going to rain forever. We are drownding up here in Denton.
The dogs have been frantic with the lightning and thunder. The older one keeps jumping into the tub during storms - then she can't get back out (she's a 5 lb. Maltese). What's up with THAT!?
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