Friday, May 11, 2007

Fluid check

I had my weekly fluid check, sonogram and non-stress test yesterday. Everything looks great! I had more fluid than I have had in weeks, which is a great sign (especially since fluid levels typically peak this week and then start going down again) . Her non-stress test was perfect.

I also mentioned that my back pain has been so horrible I can't get anything done. Tylenol is no longer doing anything for the pain. They said the baby is not only breech, but probably turned in a position that puts a lot of pressure on my back. Nice! So he prescribed Darvocet. Wait a minute! The problem, Dr. G, is that I can not get anything done with my back pain. D takes away the pain, but it also knocks me out. Oh well, it makes sleeping at night a lot easier.

Here's hoping the baby turns soon!

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