Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I got an A+!!!

So I went to my regular OB appointment today and got an A+ for the last 4 weeks. What does that really mean? All they did was weigh me (I've gained 3 whole pounds so far ths pregnancy), check my blood pressure and listen to the baby's heartbeat. It was strong at about 152. I go back in 3 weeks.

In other news...my appointment with the perinatologist was pu on hold once again. Somewhere in TX, somebody lost some important paperwork. How is that even possible when I have sent tem 3 copies? By fax, mail, and foot. Nice hunh? Oh well. So we wait another week and see where we are in this mess. The peri's office seems to think I have another couple of weeks to spare before it gets to be "too late". What do they know?

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