Today we got to take a peak at this new sweet little girl's face. It was the highlight of an otherwise nutty day. I had to run back to school after dropping J off this morning because he forgot to mention that today was pajama day. All the other kids showed up in jammies and he was in jeans. So, I ran back to school (I really did run, we live across the street) and dropped them off as they were reciting the pledge of allegiance. I was glad to hear all those kids reciting it from memory. It's good to know some schools still honor America. I also went to get my hair cut today (a luxury for new moms) and as I was walking out the door I picked up E to give her a hug and kiss and noticed she was burning up. I tool her temp and sure enough...102.5. Poor thing. I gave her Tylenol, handed her to B and left. after the cut we were in so much of a hurry to get to Dallas that we had to eat lunch in the car to get there on time. I started wondering why it couldn't be pajama day for adults too.
Dallas Pregnancy Resource Center uses volunteers in every aspect of their operation aside from a few key positions. They use volunteers for post-abortion and crisis pregnancy counseling, as well as volunteer nurses for sonograms and other prenatal care. This is where the cool part comes. They use volunteer pregnant women to train their nurses on the sonogram machines. I call and say how far along I am, and they call back and schedule an appointment. No payment necessary, although they do accept donations. It is a wonderful pro-life, non -profit organization helping many women through scary times in their lives and I am honored to support their mission.
Anyway, we got to see a little bit of this little girl. Not much though.She was completely folded in half. Her knees were resting on her forehead. No kidding! I don't know how in the world she got herself wedged in that position, but it does explain the right-sided stretching pains I am having. Maybe she will be the family gymnast? Since her knees and arms were right in front of her face, we didn't get a good 3D picture. What we did see was that many of her features are similar to E's. She has the same button nose. In fact, she looks a lot like E from what we can tell. I know they will be as different as night and day, but since those pics are all I have right now, I am imagining her looking like E, with much less (and lighter)hair. I could be totally wrong here. I guess we will see in July.
2 years ago