If you can remember, the last time I posted something I mentioned E being "cranky". Well, the poor girl had reasons. She woke up Thursday with a runny nose and fever. I called the Dr. to ask what I could give her for the nose and they wanted to see her to rule out an ear infection. Her ears and throat were clear and she was diagnosed with a cold. Her Dr had samples of the "good" Pedia Care when they were still putting Pseudaphed in the medicine. She gave me a huge supply of this "illegal" stuff. It seems to work well and doesn't make her wired or jittery. The problem is that Iz can't have any and she got the stuffy nose Thursday night. I was up every 30 minutes Friday night to suction her nose out. She hasn't had a fever yet and seems to be sleeping well otherwise.
Speaking of sleep: I hope I don't jinx this...but we seemed to have turned a corner in the sleep world. The last 4 nights Iz has gone anywhere from 4-5 hours without waking or needing to eat and it usually happens within the same time frame (between 10-3). For those of you without children, sleeping from 10-4 is considered to be "through the night" so we are almost there. Hallelujah!
And today...right now...they are both down for a nap...at the same time! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 years ago
Don't yell Yay too loud, don't want to wake 'em up...
Napping at the same time?! Very cool.
By the way, Pedia Care was the decongestant that kept J up - but I did buy it off the shelf, so it probably wasn't the "good" Pedia Care.
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