Monday, March 2, 2009

Wonderful weekend away

I was blessed with the opportunity to go away on a women's retreat with a group of ladies in my church called the Daughters of the King (DOK). They are a fabulous group of women and I have always wanted to join, but have not had the chance to make the timing work yet. Unfortunately, the reason I was able to go is that one of my friends was ill this weekend and could not attend. She was missed terribly. We went to a beautiful place in East Texas called the Selah Inn. It is a GORGEOUS home! We stayed in jammies in front of the fire and had a relaxing, peaceful time.

And a HUGE thanks to Brad who dropped everything he was able to take care of the girls at the last minute so I could attend. His support was amazing! I felt that God had a reason for wanting me there, so I did a lot of soul searching in my "free" time. I know...a mom with free time....what's that like?

We had a presentation on the book above: Praying in Color. If you are easily distracted in your prayers, like me, this is a book for you. It spoke directly to me: one who falls asleep when praying, forgets who to pray for, or for whom I have already prayed, gets frustrated, and just stops. I have not personally read the book, but I plan on it! I started doodling and humming and things started flowing much easier. My only problem....hiding all the art supplies from J!

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