Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kids say the darndest things

Let's just say that E is really coming out of her shell lately. This is great....for her, but has put us in some embarrassing situations. Luckily so far, the people have just laughed with us and her. Let's hope it stays that way.

All of these happened this past Saturday:

1. A young African-American man came up to our door selling magazines. I kindly told him we were not interested. As he persisted to sell them, E (hugging my leg for dear life) asked in a loud voice "Mommy. Is that Obala?"

I think she meant Obama....

2. At dinner the same night she saw two teenage girls walk in with their mom and sit down. Pointing she replied in a very loud voice "Mommy, I love her shoes!!!!"

3. A few minutes later she leaned over to the table behind us where a lovely couple was enjoying dinner. When the husband got up to refill their drinks she asked (again in a loud voice) "Where did her daddy go?" Thank goodness it is a couple we sort of know from church, and she thought it was funny!

1 comment:

R. Hansen said...

Those are cute. :-)

We really have to watch what we say around our kids. I remember them chanting Yes on 8 in the least opportune time during the last election here. :-S