Monday, June 2, 2008

11 months....and talking!

Today the baby of our family is 11 months old. It's so very hard to believe that in just 30 days, she will be 1...and well on her way to being a little girl instead of a baby. B and I call her our little "ray of sunshine". She always greets us with a smile and showers us with hugs and kisses. She can be demanding at times to some, but I just try to look at is as a girl who knows what she wants...and wants it NOW!

So...what have I learned in 11 months???

I can say more words than you would expect me to at this age: Ma ma (sounds more like meh meh), da da, baby, thank you, nite nite, bye bye, no, yeah, and many more!

I still love my remotes!

And can stand while I hold both!

I have two teeth. Where are the rest of them? I could sure use them since I will only eat table food now. No more baby food for me!

I can walk across the room, when I want or need to. But I am still faster when I crawl.

I don't nurse anymore. I drink a bottle...and can hold it myself!!!


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