Sorry I didn't mention this before, but I was crazy enough to whisk the two princesses to Sunny Southern California (not so sunny today....hazy and ick) for a friend's wedding. We flew in to Orange County, then drove to my home town of Bakersfield on Tuesday. Yesterday we drove back down South to Riverside for a small visit with my Great Aunt and then continued South to Oceanside where we will remain until Monday. Mom and I have the wedding in Newport Beach tomorrow, but the girls don't have to travel with us (thank goodness). At first, I meant to inform you all I would be on a hiatus during this time but I honestly thought I would have time to post pics of the darlings exploring. HA! I also thought I would have time to eat, sleep, shower, etc...
We have had one crisis after another: everything from losing traveler's cheques to E breaking the LCD on my cell phone and losing all my important phone numbers. I will have to say that despite being completely thrown off schedule, the girls have been amazing. They were angels on the plane and have been great through 8 hours of car travel. Iz sleeps most of the time (in the car...unfortunately not at night) and E and I have come up with fun road games to play. The main problem has been with 2 babies in a non-baby proofed world. Who knew that they could pull everything out of a desk AND mark with crayons all over the wall while I took a 30 second potty break. I honestly don't know how single parents of multiples do it. God bless them...every one!
We will be back soon....and I will send pics your way.
2 years ago