Thursday, February 21, 2008

E is 1 1/2 years old!

Where does the time go? I know she officially turned 18 months last week, but her well visit to the Dr was this week. And, I am still baffled by how fast she is growing up.

Here is a short summary of her visit-

Height- 32 inches (75%)
Weight- 21 pounds (25%)

So she is tall and thin. I wonder where she gets that??

We have been worried about her speech (or lack thereof), but the Dr. wanted her to be regularly using 4-10 words. We are right at 10, so no worries there.

Her motor skills are great, but Mommy and Daddy need to be better at forcing her to use utensils when she eats. She doesn't really care for them, but hates to get her hands we have been indulging her and feeding her.

Around Halloween, before all of her front teeth were in, she fell into the fireplace whie trying to climb and hit her upper lip and gum. When the Dr. checked her mouth I mentioned a tooth that looked a bit funny, then mentioned the fall. She may have hit that tooth before it came in and broke it. So we need to see a dentist to decide whether to cap it, or let it go until it falls out on it's own.

Then the Dr mentioned potty training. What? She isn't ready for that. Is she? She asked if she was interested when I go, which she is. So we've decided to not push her, but put the potty next to ours and if she wants to "practice" she can. I don't believe in pushing a child into potty training. They always get there when they are ready regardless of what the parents do. Making your child sit on the potty every 30 minutes is not "training" them, but rather training the parents to watch the clock and obsess about the child's bathroom schedule.Besides, I don't have the time or patience for that right now. Ok, stepping off parenting box now....

All in all, E is a healthy and active yet shy little girl who loves to dance and sing. We are blessed to have her in our lives.

Here is her beautiful chocolate covered face on Valentine's Day


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